Our first article of the digital transformation series discusses the challenges leaders face when tackling transformation. Our second edition identifies solutions for successful digital transformation enabling high-performance remote work. By outlining your business goals, testing your proof of concept, and enriching individual value through change management, you can become a role model to your customers.
Clearly, the innovation and scalability of remote work is powered by digital transformation. Equipped with challenging technical and human factors, analysis and insight is crucial. In order to seize this potential leverage, the work environment needs to change. High turn-over rates have increased, causing business leaders to rethink their growth strategy. You need effective communication that boosts productivity, providing structure within your work culture. However, it’s much more than technical, it’s personal too. True brand alignment begins with your authenticity and your core values decide the identity behind your company. But it has to include everyone, a bottom up work culture. Strategic positioning built by trust and inclusive culture through sharing goals with your team will create accelerated growth.
A great starting point begins with a proof of concept. Reimagining the future sounds daunting, so you should try to avoid wasting time and resources by testing it out. A blueprint for your strategy can increase the likelihood of success and the range of scalability for your company. Define your core business needs and why they are needed. Needs analysis helps organisations become proactive in approaching potential risks before they become problems. Is it to check any hint of uncertainty, prove a technological tool, or to understand if employees grasp new protocols? Remote work will create gaps, so being able to identify these areas will help development and user adoption become easier.
Recognise your team members as human beings. Understand them and learn about their outside lives. Greater engagement equals better user adoption and as such, performance. People want choices such as when, where and how they work. If you adopt an employee centric focus, it will lead to growth, trust and brand advocacy. With more autonomy and the freedom of choice, people will feel empowered beyond the scope of their output performance.
This will also increase job satisfaction and reduce employee turnover rate. By becoming aware of your unique identity composition, you can make informed decisions around the narrative of your brand such as authenticity, differentiation in a competitive market, and consistent communication style. Individual identity and collective identity is your brand and culture. Being intentional about online meetings, sponsoring leadership roles and planning retreats outside of work are examples to build better communication. This transition of an organisation’s goals and processes, otherwise known as change management, is a systematic approach for effecting change, controlling change, and helping people adapt to change.